OperaIT Data Services
At OperaIT Data Services, we provide custom solutions to your most pressing problems. Not all problems are improved with IT but when they can be, let OperaIT help you implement the solution that makes sense and sets you up for success.
Our development philosophy is that every solution should be so simple to use that a user manual or system specific training is not required. If anything is not obvious for a first-time user, the we need to do a better job designing the system.

In 2013 Stewart Fleming started work on the Pulmonary Hypertension Registry for the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK.
On the success of that project, I started working on the National Hip Fracture Database (NHFD), also for the NHS. This is a national registry that continues to operate in 2020, capturing around 70,000 patient records every year.
The NHFD formed the basis for hip fracture registries that have been setup in Ireland and other European centers.
In 2013, Stewart Fleming, our lead registry expert presented to the International Symposium on Fragility Fracture Registries in Hong Kong and consulted with local health experts on setting up a hip fracture registry.
In 2015 work started on the Australian Hip Fracture Registry and New Zealand Hip Fracture Registry. The registry is a collaborative project between several professional societies and is one of a number of complementary initiatives designed to improve hip fracture care bi-nationally. More information is available at www.anzhfr.org.
Data started being collected in December 2015 and we have helped deliver 6 national reports.
In 2018 we created a National Hip Fracture Registry for Canada but due to internal politics, this still has not started collecting patient data.
In 2020 work started on a National Fracture Liaison Services registry. This registry will be overseen in Australia by the SOS Fracture Alliance under the ANZAC Research Institute.
In 1997, we built our first website and have been wrestling with the finer points of HTML, CSS and Javascript ever since. With our extensive industry experience, we can take an idea to a website in a hours.
We can extend the functionality of your website or web-based application with a dedicated mobile application available on both IOS and Android platforms.
The Coaching Life mobile application allows subscribers to the magazine to read and search the latest articles, tracking their own coaching journey.
The Men's Legal Service application allows users who are going through a separation to track dependent access trends, log meals and more. This will soon be extended to provide communication support to help take the emotion out of separated parent communication.
With the move to cloud computing and distributed application, we are able to help your application or service transition to Microsoft Azure or Amazon Web Services.
These platforms give you massive coverage while maintaining an excellent return on investment.